
A NaNoWriMo Observation

National Novel Writing Month is nothing else if not a learning experience. I’m five days in on a dramatic pace that I’ve never achieved before.  I hope I don’t jinx myself by saying that.  Week Two always has a slow-down. You start to lose your mojo – or at least a lot of writers do, myself included.

But so far, so good!

  • I’m writing a romance – something notoriously difficult for me – but I’m liking what’s happening so far
  • For now I have silenced my inner critic with chocolate, so I’m not second-guessing everything I write
  • My outline is detailed enough that I have a plan, but not so detailed that I feel restricted
  • I’m making NaNo Time a priority

The newest thing though is I’m keeping a NaNo Diary that runs parallel to the story itself.  The Diary details my progress, thoughts on the process, and observations about things I might need to go back and change in second draft…but NOT RIGHT NOW.

Editing comes later. Writing is NOW.

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