The Versatile Blogger Award: Showin’ the Love!

Gratitude going out to my blogosphere friend Isadora – poet, photographer, grower of orchids, and maker of jewelry – for presenting me with a Versatile Blogger Award.  I’m honored and I so appreciate her support, feedback, and inspiration!

As part of this honor I have three tasks:

  • Link back to the blog of the person who gave you the award (check! Please do visit Isadora’s blog, read her poetry and see her lovely orchids)
  • Tell seven things about yourself
  • Choose 15 bloggers to “pay it forward” and show some love!

Seven things about myself?  Well, I suppose the first thing I should say is…

  1. I dislike honking my own horn – which, as a solopreneur, does me no favors in terms of self-promotion! But I’m learning.
  2. I enjoy teaching, consulting, and leading writing conference sessions – and I think what I enjoy most is helping other writers grow and maintain their enthusiasm for the creative process.  Writing is a lonely business at times, and sometimes, writers just need an objective set of eyes and ears to give them honest, helpful feedback.
  3. I am a Biblical Storyteller – I’ve recently learned to tell stories of the Bible, not just read them aloud. The stories are not memorized, but told “from the heart.” It makes a huge difference in the emotional and spiritual impact of the stories.
  4. Surprising (perhaps) bucket list revelation: I want to learn to play the fiddle. I love Celtic fiddle music and American bluegrass.
  5. I’m a second degree black belt – I started martial arts when I was 36.  Proof positive it’s never too late to start anything. In fact, one of my most challenging partners is my friend Richard, a 65-year-old semi-retired pastor!
  6. Dream Vacation: four weeks on walkabout in Scotland, staying in self-cater crofters’ cottages. “Caledonia, you’re calling me…”
  7. My favorite place to be – anywhere outdoors. My backyard sanctuary, the Son Rise Garden, any of our local Metroparks. Even if it’s the middle of winter. I can dress for it.

Now comes the challenging part. I am a blogging newbie (I’ve been at this less than a year), but I’ve met, read, and learned from many talented bloggers who are creative and inspiring.  Do visit their blogs and see what they’re all about.

  1. Karen C.L. Anderson:  Karen’s a dear friend, and we’ll be meeting face to face for the first time this weekend (yes, expect a blog entry!).
  2. Joy Tanksley:  I found her blog via Karen.  Joy is great for a daily dose of Happy!  Ladies, check out Joy’s Moxie Academy.
  3. Dr. Brené Brown/Ordinary Courage:  Karen gifted me with Dr. Brown’s book The Gifts of Imperfection last winter, and it was like receiving permission to screw up – which I needed, otherwise I would never try.
  4. Tammy Strobel/Rowdy Kittens:  About the same time I was reading The Gifts of Imperfection, I read an article in the NY Times about Tammy and her husband’s downsizing efforts, living simply, and of course, her blog Rowdy Kittens.  The day I visited the blog the first time, she’d posted about the lessons she’d learned while developing her blog and books. She answered every concern I had in my  head about blogging – and it gave me the final push to start I Face the Sun.  Thanks, Tammy! You don’t know me, but thank you all the same.
  5. Angelia Sims Hardy:  “Living, Loving, Laughing” is chock full of Angelia’s stunning photography and optimistic juju!
  6. Liane Benedict, Steve Tryon, and The Walkabout Chronicles: Kind of a three-fer here. Liane and Steve created The Walkabout Chronicles: Journeys through Life.  They are passionate about life, living, and being part of the world around them. Not only is Walkabout a splendid blog and forum, but Liane and Steve are artists in their own rights.
  7. Elizabeth Obih-Frank: Mirth and Motivation: the name says it all! Elizabeth’s site is positive and powerful.
  8. Charles L. Mashburn: Marbles in my Pocket: I became acquainted with Charles and his writing through Bluebell Books and I wanted to say THANK YOU for his encouragement and feedback.
  9. James Hamilton: Geekstronomy – all things pop culture right at your fingertips. It takes courage and dedication to follow your passion.
  10. Bluebell Books: a great place for bloggers of all stripes to connect and stretch their creativity
  11. Morning: “Let the Caged Bird Sing” is the name of her blog. This bird sings in poetry and images.
  12. Mish/Writer-in-Transit: Mish is indeed a Versatile Blogger – there’s a whole rainbow, a whole treasure chest of creativity to be read!
  13. Jeanie McBain/All Kinds of Everything: a new blogging acquaintance, but I LOVE the optimism and love that radiates from her blog!
  14. Rox Linnell/Deadbook:  Props to my tall, cool friend Rox for writing while roping and riding the range. Read about her adventures in the slushpiles of publishers as she seeks a home for her novel, Deadbook.
  15. e.a.s. demers: “From the Inkwell, From the Vein” sums up the writing life. She is a lover of books, a reader of books, a writer of books, and purveyor of books. Thanks, e.a.s., for your feedback and encouragement here at IFTS.

As I compiled this list, I realized I know a helluva lot of bloggers!  It was hard to choose ONLY 15.  So go on out there and pay it forward. Read. Write. Encourage.